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Lionel Messi https://lionelmessi.prostoprosport-br.com e um jogador de futebol argentino, atacante e capitao do clube da MLS Inter Miami. , capitao da selecao argentina. Campeao mundial, campeao sul-americano, vencedor da Finalissima, campeao olimpico. Considerado um dos melhores jogadores de futebol de todos os tempos.
Mohamed Salah https://mohamedsalah.prostoprosport-br.com e um futebolista egipcio que joga como atacante do clube ingles Liverpool e do Selecao egipcia. Considerado um dos melhores jogadores de futebol do mundo. Tricampeao da Chuteira de Ouro da Premier League inglesa: em 2018 (sozinho), 2019 (junto com Sadio Mane e Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang) e 2022 (junto com Son Heung-min).
Jude Bellingham https://jude-bellingham.prostoprosport-br.com Futebolista ingles, meio-campista do clube espanhol Real Madrid e do Selecao da Inglaterra. Em abril de 2024, ele ganhou o premio Breakthrough of the Year do Laureus World Sports Awards. Ele se tornou o primeiro jogador de futebol a recebe-lo.
Zlatan Ibrahimovic https://zlatan-ibrahimovic.prostoprosport-br.com Bosnian pronunciation: ibraxi?mo?it?]; genus. 3 October 1981, Malmo, Sweden) is a Swedish footballer who played as a striker. Former captain of the Swedish national team.
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Robert Lewandowski https://robert-lewandowski.prostoprosport-br.com e um futebolista polones, atacante do clube espanhol Barcelona e capitao da selecao polonesa. Considerado um dos melhores atacantes do mundo. Cavaleiro da Cruz do Comandante da Ordem do Renascimento da Polonia.
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Kevin De Bruyne https://kevin-de-bruyne.prostoprosport-br.com Futebolista belga, meio-campista do Manchester club City” e a selecao belga. Formado pelos clubes de futebol “Ghent” e “Genk”. Em 2008 iniciou sua carreira adulta, fazendo sua estreia no Genk.
Ederson Santana de Moraes https://edersonmoraes.prostoprosport-br.com Futebolista brasileiro, goleiro do clube Manchester City e da Selecao Brasileira . Participante do Campeonato Mundial 2018. Bicampeao de Portugal pelo Benfica e pentacampeao de Inglaterra pelo Manchester City.
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Lionel Messi https://lionel-messi.prostoprosport-cz.org je argentinsky fotbalista, utocnik a kapitan klubu MLS Inter Miami. , kapitan argentinske reprezentace. Mistr sveta, vitez Jizni Ameriky, vitez finale, olympijsky vitez. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich fotbalistu vsech dob.
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Robert Lewandowski https://robert-lewandowski.prostoprosport-cz.org je polsky fotbalista, utocnik spanelskeho klubu Barcelona a kapitan polskeho narodniho tymu. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich utocniku na svete. Rytir krize velitele polskeho renesancniho radu.
Luka Modric https://luka-modric.prostoprosport-cz.org je chorvatsky fotbalista, stredni zaloznik a kapitan spanelskeho tymu. klub Real Madrid, kapitan chorvatskeho narodniho tymu. Uznavan jako jeden z nejlepsich zalozniku nasi doby. Rytir Radu prince Branimira. Rekordman chorvatske reprezentace v poctu odehranych zapasu.
Son Heung Min https://son-heung-min.prostoprosport-cz.org Jihokorejsky fotbalista, utocnik a kapitan anglickeho klubu Premier League Tottenham Hotspur a narodniho tymu Korejske republiky. V roce 2022 vyhral Zlatou kopacku Premier League.
Pablo Martin Paez Gavira https://gavi.prostoprosport-cz.org Spanelsky fotbalista, zaloznik barcelonskeho klubu a spanelske reprezentace. Povazovan za jednoho z nejtalentovanejsich hracu sve generace. Ucastnik mistrovstvi sveta 2022. Vitez Ligy narodu UEFA 2022/23
Cristiano Ronaldo https://cristiano-ronaldo.prostoprosport-cz.org je portugalsky fotbalista, utocnik, kapitan Saudske Arabie klubu An-Nasr a portugalskeho narodniho tymu. Mistr Evropy. Povazovan za jednoho z nejlepsich fotbalistu vsech dob. Nejlepsi strelec v historii fotbalu podle IFFIS a ctvrty podle RSSSF
Pedro Gonzalez Lopez https://pedri.prostoprosport-cz.org lepe znamy jako Pedri, je spanelsky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako utocny zaloznik. za Barcelonu a spanelskou reprezentaci. Bronzovy medailista z mistrovstvi Evropy 2020 a zaroven nejlepsi mlady hrac tohoto turnaje.
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Karim Benzema https://karim-benzema.prostoprosport-cz.org je francouzsky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako utocnik za Saudskou Arabii. Arabsky klub Al-Ittihad. Hral za francouzsky narodni tym, za ktery odehral 97 zapasu a vstrelil 37 branek. V 17 letech se stal jednim z nejlepsich hracu rezervy, nastrilel tri desitky golu za sezonu.
Thibaut Nicolas Marc Courtois https://thibaut-courtois.prostoprosport-cz.org Belgicky fotbalista, brankar spanelskeho klubu Real Madrid . V sezone 2010/11 byl uznan jako nejlepsi brankar v belgicke Pro League a take hrac roku pro Genk. Trojnasobny vitez Ricardo Zamora Trophy
Toni Kroos https://toni-kroos.prostoprosport-cz.org je nemecky fotbalista, ktery hraje jako stredni zaloznik za Real Madrid a nemecky narodni tym. Mistr sveta 2014. Prvni nemecky hrac v historii, ktery sestkrat vyhral Ligu mistru UEFA.
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Sergio Ramos Garcia https://sergio-ramos.com.az Spanish footballer, defender. Former Spanish national team player. He played for 16 seasons as a central defender for Real Madrid, where he captained for six seasons.
Paulo Bruno Ezequiel Dybala https://dybala.com.az Argentine footballer, striker for the Italian club Roma and the Argentina national team. World champion 2022.
Paul Labille Pogba https://pogba.com.az French footballer, central midfielder of the Italian club Juventus. Currently suspended for doping and unable to play. World champion 2018.
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Kevin De Bruyne https://kevin-de-bruyne.liverpool-fr.com Belgian footballer, born 28 June 1991 years in Ghent. He has had a brilliant club career and also plays for the Belgium national team. De Bruyne is known for his spectacular goals and brilliant assists.
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